Are You Crying Again Yeah Tears of Joy

Crying. Sobbing. Blubbering. Whatever you phone call it, from the fourth dimension nosotros're babies, nosotros all do it.

And, while many animals shed tears, emotional tears seem to be a uniquely human being experience. "Tears are necessary to go on the eyeball moist, and contain proteins and other substances which maintain the centre good for you and to combat infection," Michael Trimble, author of Why Humans Similar To Weep, told Scientific American. "Humans cry for many reasons, simply crying for emotional reasons and crying in response to aesthetic experiences are unique to us."

And whether it'south tears of joy or sorrow, the moments that cause us to choke up tin tell u.s. a lot about ourselves.

"Crying, likewise as other sorts of intense emotional feel, can assist highlight for us what's of import and what we need to focus on," Lauren Bylsma, Ph.D., a post doctoral scholar at the Academy of Pittsburgh, who has conducted multiple studies and written several papers on tears and crying, tells HuffPost.

But for such a universal feel, many of us know surprisingly footling about the tears we cry. So we collected 13 lesser-known facts near tears -- read 'em and weep.

At that place's more than i type of tear.

Not all tears are created equal. Basal tears are the ones in our optics all the time, and serve the purpose of lubricating, nourishing and protecting the eyes, Bylsma and her co-author Advertising J.J.Yard. Vingerhoets, of Tilburg Academy in Holland, wrote in their newspaper, "The Riddle Of Emotional Tears: Why Practise We Cry?" The second type of tears, called reflex tears, form to protect the optics from irritants, such as current of air, smoke or onions. And there'south some bear witness to suggest that these two kinds of tears are chemically different from each other.

The third type of tears are the ones we're probably most familiar with, those spilled after a fight with a partner or a powerful movie: emotional tears. One 1980s written report found that emotional tears may contain more than protein than other types of tears, only the science is far from conclusive at this point.

Researchers don't know exactly why nosotros cry.
wipe tear
But theories grow. Evolutionarily speaking, some scientists suggest that humans cried to indicate distress, simply without making noise, such as a yelp. "You can imagine at that place'd be a selection pressure to develop a signaling system that wouldn't let predators in on the fact that you're vulnerable," Vassar College psychologist Randy Cornelius told NPR.

Every bit human behaviors develop over time, Bylsma explains, they often begin to take on more than one purpose. Another reason humans might cry, she says, is to signal there's a problem or garner comfort from those around us. "Crying is a way to elicit support from others during times of distress," she says. Infants cry to get the attending of their parents, while an developed might cry to get the sympathy of a friend or loved i. It can also lead to quicker conflict resolution in the heat of an argument. "Crying seems to arm-twist compassion and guilt, and that itself may exist an evolved machinery to save relationships in distress," Jesse Bering, of the Institute of Noesis and Culture at Belfast University, told NPR, "It'south hard to punish somebody or argue with someone who'due south crying ... It's similar a trigger that tells us to back off."

Biochemically, the limerick of tears is similar to saliva.

And, among other things, they're made up of proteins, salt and hormones.

Women really practise cry more than ofttimes than men.
barack obama tears
I estimate puts it at five.iii times per month for a woman and 1.4 for men. Another suggests that women cry two to five times per month, compared to men's .5 to one. And, according to German research reported on by The Telegraph, the boilerplate crying session lasts half-dozen minutes for a adult female, versus two to four minutes for a man. (That same research constitute that crying turns into sobbing in 65 percent of cases for women, and simply 6 percent for men.)

But how big that gender difference is could be cultural.

Bylsma wrote in one of her papers: "The amount of gender departure in crying also seems to vary with specific country characteristics. Surprisingly, in Western cultures with greater freedom and equal handling for women, women cry more than often than in more than traditional cultures, whereas [the] differences between men in unlike cultures are less substantial... This insight strongly challenges the notion that crying is just an involuntary, reflex-like symptom, resulting from specific feelings."

Biology might besides be at play. The Wall Street Journal reports:

Women are biologically wired to shed tears more men. Under a microscope, cells of female tear glands look different than men's. Also, the male tear duct is larger than the female's, so if a homo and a woman both tear up, the woman's tears will spill onto her cheeks quicker. "For men and their ducts, it'd exist similar having a big fatty pipe to drain in a rainstorm," says Louann Brizendine, a neuropsychiatrist at the Academy of California, San Francisco.

Tears come up from the lacrimal gland.
And it's establish in the outer office of the upper middle. When backlog tears are produced, they drain into small-scale ducts to the nasal cavity. And if yous have also many tears to drain, they'll spill out of your eyes.

There'southward an anatomical reason why crying makes your olfactory organ run.

"The nose is running because the tears actually become into the nasal passages," Bylsma says. "Some of them terminate up in your olfactory organ, and then your nose runs."

Those headaches that can creep in after a sob session aren't quite as like shooting fish in a barrel to explain. Bylsma speculates that it might take something to practise with aridity from the water lost in tears. Or information technology could be considering muscles tend to tighten up when we're upset.

Syn-propanethial-S-oxide is the reason onions make you lot cry.
It's a chemical irritant that stimulates the lacrimal gland, which makes yous tear up.

Our tears might be sending signals to others.

At least according to i 2011 report, which showed that testosterone and sexual arousal have a dip in men subsequently they smell a adult female's tears. "We conclude that at that place is a chemosignal in human tears, and at least i of the things the chemosignal does is reduce sexual arousal," written report writer Noam Sobel, a neuroscientist at the Weizmann Found of Science in Israel, told LiveScience later on the enquiry was published in the journal Science.

Crocodile tears are real.
crocodile tear
Well, according to ane Academy of Florida researcher, anyhow. Kent Vliet wrote in a 2007 paper that crocodiles really practise cry -- but not considering they're lamentable. He recorded seven animals, all of whom were closely related to crocodiles, and noted that 5 of them teared up while eating. While the exact crusade of the tears was unclear, Vliet said in a statement that it definitely wasn't grief: "In my experience, when crocodiles take something into their mouth, they hateful it."

"Crocodiles appear to produce tears all the fourth dimension," Adam Britton, founder of the website, told National Geographic. "Their function is -- like our own tears -- to lubricate the eye. This may be even more relevant for crocodiles considering they have a third eyelid."

There may indeed be such a affair as a "practiced cry."

Much of Bylsma's research has focused around the cathartic quality of crying. And how practiced yous feel after a weep might come down to the social situation, she says. If you tear upward around supportive people in a comfortable environment, you're more than probable to written report feeling better afterward than if you were trying (unsuccessfully) to hold back tears in a place where you feel vulnerable, dangerous or embarrassed. In one written report she co-authored in the periodical Current Directions in Psychological Science, Bylsma and her collaborators concluded, afterwards analyzing more than than iii,000 reports of crying episodes:

Consistent with pervious field studies, the majority of participants reported mood benefits after crying. However, respondents showed significant variation in their reporting of mood benefits, with a third reporting no mood comeback and a tenth fifty-fifty reporting feeling worse afterwards the crying. Importantly, variation in social-environmental factors tracked the mood benefits of crying: Criers who received social back up during their crying episode were more likely to report mood benefits than were criers who did not report receiving social support. Besides, mood benefits were more likely when the precipitating events of a crying episode had been resolved than they were when the events were unresolved.

Some researchers have as well suggested that emotional tears, dissimilar basal or reflex tears, contain stress hormones, which the trunk is able to physically push out through the process of crying. Some other theory is that crying triggers the body to release feel-good endorphins (the same ones you get from exercise or laughing), writes HuffPost blogger Judith Orloff, K.D., author of Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions And Transform Your Life. That might just be why a tardily-nighttime Titanic viewing feels so good.

Happy tears aren't all that different from the sad ones.
tears olympic medal
"One possibility is that happy crying really isn't that different from sad crying. What both have in common is a period of intense emotional arousal," Marker Fenske, Ph.D., acquaintance professor in neuroscience at the University of Guelph, wrote for The Globe and Mail. "Indeed, brain regions associated with emotional arousal, including areas of the hypothalamus and basal ganglia, are connected to a section of the brainstem called the lacrimal nucleus that stimulates tear production."

Bylsma explains that one theory of crying is that it helps the body to return to a state of homeostasis after being overly angry -- whether positively or negatively. Right later that tiptop in arousal, whether information technology's immediately later winning an Olympic gold medal or walking down the alley at a wedding, tears might assistance bring a person back to a baseline level of functioning.

Some people are more probable to cry than others -- but why is less articulate.

We know that women are more than likely to weep than men, as are people who have experienced a trauma, anxious people, and people who are extroverted and empathetic, WebMD reports. And some of it might just come downward to individual personality differences. "Some people are merely more decumbent to crying," Stephen Sideroff, Ph.D., a staff psychologist at Santa Monica--University of California Los Angeles & Orthopaedic Hospital and clinical director of the Moonview Handling Center in Santa Monica, Calif., told the publication. "Others ignore or are not as fazed by sure things [that provoke tears in criers]."

Other factors that tin lower the threshold for crying, according to Bylsma, include mood or stress level, hormone fluctuations, mental health and fatigue.


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